Friday, September 5, 2008


we've all went back to school. sis-4th grade, q-2nd grade, mommy-second semester. my camera broke, i am pissed. missed pics of q's 7th bday and the first day of school. not impressed w/sarah palin. wasn't sure what my feelings were, but i know i feel thoroughly UNimpressed. anywho, i'm not afraid to get political here, so don't you be afraid to in comments. soccer starts saturday and from then on it will be go, go, go! am i forgetting anything??? i really can't think of anything except the three of us school kids get to take our backpacks to church sunday for the blessing of the backpacks. us catholics love to bless our things. we even get to bring our pets for the pets blessing!! aren't you envious!!! amen! p.s.:rachete, i stole your picture!


Johnson Family said...

So when are you picking up our backpacks?;) I saw you driving your truck the other day and forgot to say something. . .is it as good as new?

Denissa said...

Blessing the backpacks??
I liked Sarah Palin , thought she was great.
What happened to the camera? it seemed to be taking pics just fine.
Love you