Monday, June 2, 2008

guess who's back!!!

well, i crashed the computer and then fixed the computer, but erased EVERY single thing we had on it. so that means, no email addresses, pictures, documents, etc.. we are basically starting from scratch. it sucks, but what can you do? now, for the bad news: the kidlets school has went traditional! for those of you who are already traditional, we are a year round school, with one month off in november, april and july. the kids still go the same amount of days as traditional, the three months are split up. that schedule is fabulous as we get a break just when the kidlets are burnt out and we go back just when mommy is burnt out!! that being said, i am not happy and now need to come up with summer plans asap. so my readers, if you know of anything in the greater sac area, please share. i am freaked out about having too much downtime. also, the picture is my sweet kidlets on their last swing. we are demoing it as i write!