Monday, January 19, 2009

finally done

i have been on a reading marathon to finish the last two books in the twilight series. i think i finished in record time. my goal was to have them done before i went back to school and lo and behold, i did! i was happy with the ending, it was what i wanted since the first book. although i was able to figure a couple of things out before the vampires did....that bothered me cause they are extremely smart and these things were plain as day. oh well, i still enjoyed them soo much! if you are on the fence about reading them, i say do it! although big ryan was a tad jealous that my nose was in a book ALL weekend!!! the last time for leisure reading until summer break.


Anonymous said...

lol, ryan jealous...silly ryan! that's too funny, especially from someone who is just too cool! lol
(tell him i said that!)haha
*i never asked, what u going to school for??)

SandyS said...

I am on the last 50 pages og Breaking's killing to finish, too many distractions!!!!